PT. Mahkota Samudera Jaya is located in Pelabuhan Perikanan Samudera Nizam Zachman, Muara Baru, Jakarta starting from 2014. Our plant spread over 3,806 meter square equipped modern fish processing facilities.
PT. Mahkota Samudera Jaya is affiliated with PT. Mahkota Maritim Makmur which have their own vessels that enable us to get our fishes straight from the ocean. Our vessels are already equipped with Air Blast Freezing (ABF) chambers to maintain the freshness of the products. Combined with our skilled and competent workforce we strive to serve you only the highest quality.

Our fishermen operate in all Indonesian seas and Indian Ocean. From our fishing location, we can always get the best fish for pelagic and demersal fishes. PT. Mahkota Maritim Makmur always give our customer safe and high quality fishes.
We have more our own vessels and many partners to provide our fishes straight from the Indian Ocean. Our fleets capacity is 50 up to 180 GT with purse seine, so we can give the best sea caught fishes to our customers.
PT. Mahkota Maritim Makmur provides their fishes to support our sister company PT. Mahkota Samudera Jaya to reach the market either local markets or international markets. We guarantee our fishes are legally caught.